Sunday, March 11, 2012

Movie Reviews with halochief996: John Carter

Safe House

Denzel Washington is a boss. He is an awesome action actor. Ryan Reynolds is not bad. I liked him better when he was more of a comedian. But I guess actors do need to branch out more. Anyway I know this is late, but I kind of wanted to go see it, and since I had a free ticket, I said why not. It was not the best action movie I've seen, but its definitely not bad.

Plot: The plot is pretty simple. Denzel Washington plays Tobin Frost, an ex-CIA agent that has information that is worth a lot of money. And the CIA, MI6, German Intelligence, and other Intelligence agencies want this information. He is captured and sent to a safe house that is maintained by a regular guy named Matthew Weston (Ryan Reynolds). However the safe house is compromised, and Matthew and Tobin escape barely. Its now a game of cat and mouse, as the two try to evade from a hitman squad and figure out who wants them dead. Its an intense story with plot twists, and many questions that keep you guessing until the end. An enjoyable story.

Genre: Its an action/adventure film with some thriller and suspense moments. I will say the action is really intense since the camera is very shaky throughout the movies intense action scenes. I will say it kept my heart racing, but still the camera was way too shaky. On top of that there are scenes where the movie will be fast forwarded to one scene and then goes back to one scene that was totally irrelevant. For example you see Ryan Reynolds and Denzel Washington talking then all of a sudden you see a scene of how they got to the place where they are talking. And then it goes back to them talking. And then it goes back to a scene before they were talking. Luckily this pattern of scenes is not prevalent throughout the entire film, but when it does show up its a little annoying. Other than that Ryan Reynolds and Denzel Washington give excellent performances with their acting, along with the other actors in the film. The fight scenes and martial arts are executed well. And the stunts are also well done, I guess camera was too shaky to really tell.

Overall: An enjoyable thrill ride. Although the camera was shaky and there were some misplaced scenes, the movie was enjoyable to watch from beginning to end. Definitely recommend it if you need an action film to watch.

7.8 out of 10

A Thousand Words

Eddie Murphy. That guy used to be really funny. I mean I used to really love his movies. There was Shrek, Pluto Nash, Coming to America, and other films he was great in. Nowadays he's just not in any good movies.A Thousand Words I guess can be added to his list of not so great movies.

Plot:Eddie Murphy plays Jack McCall, a book agent that talks a lot. Like his mouth keeps running and running and never stops. Anyway he becomes the agent for a guy named Dr. Sinja after doing a lot of talking, in order to make a lot of money. Yeah karma happens and a tree grows in the backyard of his house. The tree is basically him. If the tree gets hit with an axe then he gets a cut on his side. If somebody sprays water all over the tree, he sweats a lot. Also when he talks, a leaf falls down, and when all the leaves on the tree are gone, then he basically dies. Basically he has a thousand words, that he must make use of in order to find out what truly matter in life. A plot that sounds interesting, but is poorly executed. I mean the movie makers did a bad job telling this story. Who came up with the lines for this movie, I wonder.

Genre: Its a comedy, but its not funny. Yeah sure I had a chuckle here and there, and I mean I laughed at some parts. But overall was not really funny. I feel wasted my time watching that film. I really didn't get anything good out that film. Eddie Murphy and the other actors give out average performances in the film. Scratch that. Clark Duke who plays Aaron Wiseberger, Jack McCall's assistant, will be funny to some people or annoying to some people. To me he was a little bit annoying.

Overall: I wish Eddie Murphy was in a better film. He can do so much better than this. I mean the movie isn't funny without him talking. If you like Eddie Murphy, or you want a cheep comedy film then go on ahead watch this, otherwise don't waste your time.

5 out of 10

John Carter

Ah sci-fi. One of my favorite genres in movies. Star Wars is one of my favorite movies. Its a classic. Anyway when I first saw the trailers for this film, I was going looks cool and its by Disney. Something similar to the Pirates of the Carribean movies. And then the title showed up. I was doubtful at first, but it turned out John Carter is a badass.

Plot: The story is based off the novel series of Mars/Barsoom by Edgar Rice Burroughs. A civil war veteran named John Carter is captured by US soldiers and asked to help protect a fort against Native Americans. He escapes from their capture and ends up in a cave where he encounters this mystical being that you can call a god (or manipulator of men) and kills it. He somehow gets transported to the world of Barsoom aka Mars. Apparently Mars can sustain life. He is caught up in a major conflict between 2 human nations controlled by the same mystical beings like the one he killed on Earth. Its up to him to put an end to the conflict and stop the gods/manipulators from destroying Mars. Its a very interesting story. I'll be honest I never read the book, so I have no idea if the movie follows true to the book. But other than that I still enjoyed the movie, even though I didn't read the book.

Genre: Its a Sci-Fi Action Adventure movie. I have to say its one well made movie. The special effects and art design of the characters, locations, and world is beautifully created. Not to the point though that I want to see it in 3D. It really looks beautiful and decently believable. The aliens look pretty awesome, especially the lizard-dog character in the movie, who is actually pretty cute. The action is pretty awesome. Its not too bloody, or violent enough to where you can't take kids to watch it, but its enough to the point that it keeps you interested. The acting is descent and pretty good. Not necessarily Oscar worthy, but good enough.

Overall: An awesome Sci-fi Action/Adventure film. I enjoyed it very much. A good Disney film. One movie that you have to see during your spring break.

9.1 out of 10

Asian Star of the Week

Eugene Kim (김유진, 金楢真)

Another beautiful Asian Star. She was part of Korean pop group called S.E.S. After that she acted in dramas, and films. She's pretty hot.

Well hope you enjoyed today's blog. I hope you guys have a wonderful spring break. Take care, and happy gaming.

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