Saturday, November 10, 2012

Movie Reviews with halochief996: 007 Skyfall

You know what time of year it is.  Its the time of the year when all the greatest video games come out.  Halo 4, Assassin's Creed 3, Call of Duty Black Ops 2, and of coarse the new Wii U system.  Yep if you are wondering why I sometimes don't go out and watch movies, it is because sometimes I'm too busy playing video games.  Anyway so far Halo 4 and Assassin's Creed 3 are awesome.  But until then lets move on with this review.

007 Skyfall

James Bond is one of my favorite movie characters.  A badass and clever spy.  During my childhood I saw a good amount of 007 films and I have enjoyed pretty much most of them.  When I the first new 007 film starring Daniel Craig, I was impressed.  He was different from the Bonds before him in that he was tougher looking and stronger than the previous James Bonds, and he had blue eyes and blonde hair.  But he impressed me, and I almost consider him one of the best James Bond actors I've seen.  Casino Royale was good but didn't have enough action.  Quantum of Solace had a lot of action but a really hard to understand plot.  Skyfall is the perfect middle between these 2 films.

Plot: Taking place after Quantum of Solace, James Bond is tasked with a mission at the beginning of the film, to retrieve a list of MI6 agents that are embedded in terrorist organizations around the world, before it falls into the wrong hands.  He accidentally gets shot by his partner, and basically is presumed dead.  M is trying to clean up the mess, but then the agency is bombed.  After enjoying death, Bond decides to return to service.  Its up to him to find out who is behind this evil plot against MI6 and M.  In short its a good plot and told really well.  We get to see another side of James Bond and M.  Well written.

Genre: Like all James Bond films there is action and Skyfall doesn't hold back, or overload on the action.  The fight scenes are well choreographed, car chases are pretty awesome, and the explosions sound and look awesome.  And lets not forget the eye candy.  The new Bond girls are pretty.  And the cars are beautiful especially the new Jaguar that is shown.  So sexy.  The acting is also really good.  The villain played by Javier Bardem is pretty evil and makes a good villain for James Bond.  Daniel Craig also does an excellent job playing as the cool spy.  Judi Dench also gets two thumbs up.  Recommendation, watch this film in IMAX.

Overall: The best James Bond film starring Daniel Craig.  A good plot with good action and some eye candy.  The story I will say does an excellent job showing another side of James Bond, and the action just keeps getting better and better.  After 50 years of making James Bond films, I wouldn't be surprised if Skyfall ranks as one of the best Bond films ever made.

10 out of 10

Asian Star of the Week

Mini Yu Zhi Qing 于芷晴

Dam she is cute.  

Images from  Definitely check out their website for more pictures.  Anyway well I hoped you enjoyed this weeks blog.  Until next time keep on having fun and thanks for reading.