Monday, May 28, 2012

Movie Reviews with halochief996: Men In Black 3

Whats up everybody. Well I just got back from an awesome trip to California.
It was really nice got to spend time with my family, eat some good Asian food, and meet some new and old friends.
Anyway moving on

The Secret World of Arrietty

Hayao Miyazaki is one of my favorite movie producers. His Japanes Anime movies are amazing, inspiring, and really awesome. Out of all his movies, my all time favorite has to be Spirited Away with Princess Mononoke as my second favorite. I didn't have time to watch this film in theaters but I really wanted to see it, so when it came out on DVD, I immediately bought it.
Plot: The story is based off a novel The Borrowers by Mary Norton. However in Asian folklore, there are stories about little people that live in human houses and take/borrow things. Anyway there is a family of little people, called Borrowers, that live in this Japanese country house. There is the father, Pod, the mother, Homily, and their daughter, Arrietty. Anyway during a gathering/borrowing session, Arrietty is spotted by a young sick boy, named Shawn, who has come to the house to rest in preparation for an intense surgery he is about to undergo. The boy is curious and he tries to help her and her family. Arrietty and Shawn soon become friends, and share an adventure together to find her a new and happy home. Its a kids movie. The story is nothing amazing, or earth shattering, in fact it it is pretty weak and not presented strongly. However it does bring up morals about not giving up, and how everybody is the same no matter how big or small they are.
Genre: Its a cartoon/Japanese anime kids movie. The animations are really nice, and the world as seen through the eyes of the borrowers is really nicely done. Hayao Miyazaki films always have great animations, well designed worlds, and great attention to art and detail. However all of this is dragged down by a story that doesn't really amaze or get you thinking about it at the end. To be honest, at the end of the film, I saidThat's it. The movie is pretty short, and it doesn't have that intense rush or speed as seen in previous Miyazaki films. In short, it starts off slow, with a few scenes of intensity, that builds up to a climax that's easily resolved and then the movie ends. Other than that the voice acting is good.
Overall: Its not one of Miyazaki's greatest films. But its certainly not a bad film. The movie is pretty short. The story is not really fulfilling, and at the end it kind of just leaves you hanging. However the animations, the design of the world, the characters, and the artistry are really good and beautiful. If you like Miyazaki films, then you should not overlook this one.
8.5 out of 10

Men In Black 3

When I was in California, I told my cousin, we had to go see this film. The first two Men in Black movies were awesome. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones make a good duo. Finally after many years, they make a sequel to Men In Black.
Plot: The story continues where the second movie left off. Its been many years, and agent J (Will Smith) and K (Tommy Lee Jones) have been kicking butt as the tough duo of the Men in Black agency. However an evil alien called Boris the Animal escapes the heavily secured moon prison, and goes back in time killing Agent K, the Men in Black agent that took away his arm and killed his evil life-consuming race. By doing this, the earth is invaded by the evil life-consuming race, and its up to agent J to go back in time to save the younger version of his partner (Josh Brolin), and stop Boris and his evil race of aliens. The story is very much like a Men in Black story. Basically there is an evil alien, and Agent J and K, the best Men in Black agents, have to stop it and save the earth. A well written story.
Genre: Its a comedy, action, sci-fi movie. The aliens are nicely created and interesting. Especially Boris. The action is intense to an extent, and presents the story creatively and interestingly. The special effects are well done, and Will Smith, Josh Brolin, and Tommy Lee Jones give amazing performances. Their jokes and personalities make this movie funny and enjoyable.
Overall: A very solid, good sci-fi movie. The actors give brilliant performances in this film, and the action and comedy make the movie's story interesting, and funny. A good Men in Black film and a good reentry into the series.
8.5 out of 10

Asian Star of the Week

OK when I was in California, I was hanging with some friends and we had a little something to drink. Anyway we had a laptop, and this video came on
And two things went into my mind. One: that's what its like when you are high, or when an Asian is high that's he or she sees things and feels. Two You know behind all that crazy makeup, graphics, and music, the chick is pretty cute.
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu
Her real name is Kiriko Takemura. She is from Japan, and is very popular around Asia. In a way she is like a Japanese Lady Gaga/Katy Perry. She is pretty cute looking.

I want to dedicate this blog to the US military servicemen and servicewomen serving our country. Happy Memorial Day, and Thank you for protecting our country.
That's it for this week's blog. Thanks for reading.

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