Sunday, February 17, 2013

Movie Reviews with halochief996: A Good Day to DIE HARD

Well its been 3 weeks since I made another blog.  Lets just say I've been busy with Dead Space 3

and some other games.  Along with that school work.  I did see movies, just didn't have time to write blog posts of them (also I was a little lazy).  But I'm trying to keep this blog alive, so enough of me talking lets get to it.

A Good Day to DIE HARD

Remember those old action films with Bruce Willis where he kicked ass, killed bad guys, and didn't give a $%!# about what everybody said.  Yes it was the DIE HARD series.  Those were some great films, and some of my favorite action films (all of them 1, 2, 3, and even the PG-13 movie number 4).  They were awesome and enjoyable.  Bruce Willis had hair back in those days (except for number 4).  Anyway when I heard they were going make a 5th Die Hard film, I was super excited.  I was really hyped up for this film.  I couldn't wait to go tell my friends the next day, that I saw Die Hard 5 opening night.  After wasting 11 bucks, and coming home at 2 AM, knowing I am going to wake up the next day at 7 AM, I have to say (as a Die Hard fan) I'm disappointed with number 5.

Plot: The story is a simple mess.  John McClane goes to Russia because he finds out that his son is in a Russian prison.  As he tries to go see his son in a Russian courthouse, an attack occurs.  McClane just happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time again basically.  However he find out his son is in the CIA.  The 007 from New Jersey.  Anyway there are bad guys that are dealing with Uranium from Chernobyl and selling it to bad people.  Yeah its up to the McClane's to stop them by killing every single bad guy and blowing stuff up.  Now this story would've been good, if it was told properly.  Unlike the previous four films, you may get confused about the story in this film.  Parts of the story are just rushed, and not well told.  Script writing could've been better.  Also characters aren't really fully developed especially the villains.

Genre: Its supposed to be an awesome action film with cursing, violence, and John McClane being a badass.  Here we get a below average action film.  I mean seriously there are not that many good action scenes.  Yeah sure there are a few gun fights and a car scene involving a utility van, Mercedes SUV, and a Armored Truck.  But that's it.  No big brawls.  McClane has a few one liners but mostly his son is taking on the lead role.  I mean in Die Hard 3 and 4, McClane had a sidekick, but they didn't overshadow John McClane.  They had enough of an important role to be there but not take the lead.  McClane shouts out a few funny one liners and does some crazy and funny stuff.  Other than that (as a Die Hard fan), Die Hard 4 had more action this Die Hard.  Now I checked the plot summary, and it says that McClane says his signature cowboy line, Yippee Ki-yay Motha$%&*#@.  However when I watched the movie, I don't remember him saying it.  And I was mad when I left the theater when he didn't say it. When I buy I will check.  But if I find out that McClane didn't say his signature line.  Well somebody is going to get my Yippe Ki Yay.

Overall: This is the most disappointing movie of 2013 for me.  I had high hopes for this one, but in the end it failed.  From the messy unorganized story, to the average action.  This film really is a disappointment to all Die Hard fans.  If you are a Die Hard fan, don't watch this film (or don't pay money to watch this film; torrent it).  If you have never seen any of the Die Hard films.  Watch the first four, and skip number 5.  Because trust me, Die Hards 1-4 are so much better than number 5.  Heck I don't know why they put an R rating on it.  Its really not as violent as its predecessors and there is not as much cussing as its predecessors.

4.5 out of 10

These next films will be short.

A good take on the old fairy tale.  Imaginative and pretty cool.  A little bloody, so don't bring your kids, and the action is a little average.  But it was still entertaining, special effects were cool, and its a good take on the fairy tale.

7 out of 10

After Schwarzenegger, comes Stallone.  This action film is full of violence, and Stallone acting like a tough guy.  Interesting story full of mystery and twists.  Action is not bad.  About the same as The Last Stand (kind of like this one more than The Last Stand) .

7  out of 10

Aliens: Colonial Marines

I know this is a video game, but according to Gearbox and SEGA, this video game is supposed to be a true sequel to the movie Aliens.  Also I really need to rant about this game.  First off as you know I'm a big fan of video games.  In fact this blog series started in a video game website.  Heck I even share my video game experience within this blog.  Now I love the Alien franchise/series.  Those movies are one of the best sci-fi horror films out there.  Aliens is one my favorite out of all the movies because of the COLONIAL MARINES!!!! When I heard Gearbox was making a game based off the franchise, I was excited.  I really had high hopes for this game.  I saw the E3 footage, and I was amazed at what they had done.  It seemed they really put a lot of thought into the game.  See link:

Instead we have a game that is crap. Basically Call of Duty with Aliens.  I mean what the hell happened?  First Die Hard now this.  I mean come on enough of the disappointments for god sake.  I haven't played really deep into the game yet, but so far I'm pretty disappointed.  First off the graphics aren't that great (not like the E3 demo), second the AI is stupid, third the story is confusing so far.  I haven't finished it yet, but I hope it really makes sense in the end.  I don't know what happened, but after seeing this game, I think Gearbox needs to stick with Borderlands 2, or perhaps do something to appease the Alien fans that they disappointed.  Because I'm not paying 40 bucks for the season pass of DLC.  I'll save my money thank you.  I really hope somebody can make a good Aliens game.  I really do.  As a gamer and movie/franchise lover of the Alien series, I want a better a game.  Hopefully next time there will be a good Aliens game.  Hopefully, but after seeing this game, I don't know what the future hold for the Alien franchise.

Asian Star of the Week

Zhang Jing You, 张瀞尤

DAMMMM!  A beautiful and cute girl from China.  She is known as Miss U from China.  Either way she is hot.

Images from  Check out their website if you want to see more pictures.  Thank you for reading, and I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day.

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