Sunday, July 29, 2012

Movie Reviews with halochief996: The Watch

Ah the 2012 Olympics have started.  And I am super excited and happy.   The opening ceremony was great (not as great as last year's no offense).  The USA team is going at it strong.  Go USA!!!!!!!!  Anyway lets move on.

The Watch 
OK Ben Stiller is pretty funny, or I think he used to be.  My favorite movies with him are ZoolanderMeet the Parents/Fockers, and Dodgeball.  Lately though I don't think he has had any good movies, but he has a chance to come back.  Anyway his new movie The Watch, looked pretty good in the trailer.  I mean you got Vince Vaughn, Jonah Hill, and Ben Stiller.  What could go wrong.  I'm just going to say all the scenes from the trailer were the good parts, and everything else you shouldn't watch.
Plot: Ben Stiller is Evan, the big store manager of Costco, and the founder of some crazy clubs in this small town of Glenview, Ohio.  One day his security guard is killed viciously.  So he decides to form the neighborhood watch to catch the murderer and killer.  Together with the help of his 3 friends (Vaughn, Hill, and Ayoade), they stumble upon an alien invasion.  And now its up to them to stop it, and save the world from the vicious aliens.   The plot sounds good, but its just poorly executed.  Its not well written, and its not really well performed.  In fact by the middle of the film, I was kind of bored with the story.  The one good thing about the story is there are a couple of great surprises, twists, and cameos.
Genre: Its a comedy film, but its really not that funny.  I mean there are scenes, and jokes throughout the film that will make you chuckle, smile, and laugh a little.  But that is only for a few scenes.  And the stuff that they make fun of, from Costco, dumb policeman, and aliens, barely make you laugh.  Richard Ayoade and Jonah Hill seem to be the only ones who put some effort acting in this film.  Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn could have been better.  As for the special effects and aliens, they are average at best.
Overall: I don't know what they were thinking when they were making this film.  But lets just say after watching the film, I really thought it was a stupid movie, and pretty much a good waste of 2 hours.  Acting isn't that great, and the story is poorly executed.  Save yourself the money and the time.  If you really want to watch it, go pirate it.
5 out of 10 

Asian Star of the Week

Cai Huang Ru

A cute singer/model from Taiwan.  She is pretty cute.  Man I miss Taiwan.

Images courtesy of Red Flava.  Their website is amazing for all the latest Asian Star/model news.  Check them out at their website for more pictures:
I want to also dedicate this blog to the amazing USA athletes that are competing in London at the Olympic games.  I want to say no matter what happens, you are all an inspiration to us all.  Good luck and go for gold.
That's it for this weeks blog.

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